I am apparently a hated woman. I am apparently a man hater, as well.
Hmmm. I wasn't aware of either until recently. I'd like to thank the gentleman who has been spamming my inbox, starting with the whole "Boycott American Women" comment for pointing this out to me. Because I hate to walk around oblivious to these stated facts.
Whomever you are sir, I do sincerely apologize for how you've been wronged and hurt by women in your life. You may not believe my sincerity, but, it is sincere, whether you choose to believe it or not.
You think it bothers me that you have put me on your "man hater wall"? It does not, because contrary to your belief in a person you do not, nor will never know, I personally know that I am not a man hater. Perhaps I am a bit cynical from dating experiences, but I personally don't believe that classifies me as a man hater. On the flip side, I don't believe that a man who might be cynical from his dating experiences to be a woman hater.
You ask me to prove my lack of man hater-ness by joining your site which spews only hatred of my sex. Call me crazy (oh wait, you've already done that - so glad we got that out of the way), but hatred only begets hatred. I'm not necessarily a pacifist, I will fight for what I believe in. However, I fail to understand how sheer hatred will save anyone from any kind of wrong doing. And how you can expect me to join your cause after you have insulted not only me, but my mother, my grandmothers, my best friend, and many of my close girlfriends and acquaintances.
I cannot speak for every woman in America, and definitely cannot speak for women all over this world, American or not. I certainly do wish women did not falsely accuse men of horrible actions such as rape or domestic violence. I also, wish women would not marry for money, divorce for money, or keep children from good fathers just for the sake of being cruel. I agree with you that those actions are wrong indeed. Unfortunately, men do take advantage of women, beat women, and there are some fathers who keep kids from their mothers. You are not railing against them why? Because they are being falsely accused? No, it's because you are not one of them. Therefore, all men are innocent of any crimes committed against women because it's us women who are really to blame since the dawn of time isn't it?
Over the centuries, women had no voice because we were not considered "citizens". We could not vote, hold property, or speak our minds. For centuries, women were objects to men, property in a sense. For centuries, women ran the house, raised the children, and frittered away the hours doing needlepoint until someone held a party. Simply because we lacked a penis we were treated as second rate and were too dumb to understand politics and business. We fought hard for our rights to vote, hold property, and do anything a man can do. We are still fighting. Perhaps you would still like us women to hold our tongues, raise the kids, run the household, have dinner on the table by a time specified by you and have extremely limited opportunities in anything? Maybe we can summon Doctor Who for you and he can drop you off in an era more suited to your needs? Yes, let's.
Both men and women are at fault because we abuse each other. Though I know you will disagree with this, call me crazy (again, we've done that), call me a man hating bitch (oh, you've that already as well - aren't you efficient?), sexist, liar, possibly a discriminatory bigot, and many other hateful and spiteful things. You will call me all those things and more simply because I do not agree with you spreading hatred, or fighting hatred with hatred. You will still call me all of those things no matter what I say. Because not only am I a woman, I am a hated American woman. Mostly by you and those who have been touched by your hatred.
I believe you misunderstood my previous post, sir. You insulted me with your comment and I responded. Perhaps you are angry that I referred to you as an asshat? Or was it douche-bag? Or was it when I called you a whack-job? Well, in my defense, I was insulted and upset. I am a woman, and I can get rather emotional. However, I will apologize for the name calling.
I kindly thank you for your offer of joining your cause, but I must respectfully decline your offer, for the reasons stated above. I know you will not accept my apologies, because you will not believe them to be sincere. My thoughts, my opinions will be sexist and bigoted in your mind. I cannot change that. I have accepted that fact. I do not hate you for your views. In fact, I feel sorry for you and your life without love. No, sir, I do not hate you. I am not, however, overly excited by your existence, nor how you are so willing to spread your hatred.
Call me what
you will, make me your man hater pin-up girl, spam my inbox as much as
you like. I'm sorry, in all my hated womanliness I have forgotten -
you've already done that! I will not shed a tear over your hatred of me
simply because I am an American woman. I am a good person. I know that; my friends know that; my family knows that. And that is what is important. My mother and my grandmothers raised me well, taught me responsibility and respect and ethics.
And though you will probably not oblige me when I respectfully ask you, sir, to please stop sending me hateful comments, I am going to ask anyway. Because I have a right to ask that of you. And if you are a gentleman at all, you will stop. Unfortunately, after reading your comments and having perused your site, I do not believe you will stop spreading your hate directly to my inbox. In that case, I will be reading your hateful comments and respectfully marking them as spam.
I know sir, no matter what I say, I am doomed to be hated by you. I accept that.
With my piece having been said, I will not be responding to you or your hateful comments in the near future. I will bow out gracefully. Or should I curtsey? You know what? Just to be safe and polite, I'll do both for you, sir.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.