
Thursday, November 7, 2013

I interrupt my unscheduled break

Well hello blogosphere! I'm baaaaack. And yes you should be scared. I am.

Shit kinda happened all at once and blogging sorta kinda fell by the wayside. Mostly because I didn't have internet. Seriously, what did people do before the internet? While I wasn't completely without it because I have it at my full-time job (but I'm pretty sure they'd frown on me blogging while there), I was without it at "home" and it was rather frustrating.

Anyway, more details to come, but the reason I was without internet was because I moved! Boyfriend and I found a house with some acreage, looked it on a Monday and moved that same Friday. It was somewhat of a clusterfuck of a move - between the move, looming deadlines, and having to get all our utilities set up at the last minute, not to mention my computer trying to die because of viruses and Best Buy wanted to gouge my pocket book before they even looked at it and having to learning how to use Boyfriend's Mac - all of it about ready to drive me nuts.

I may not get all caught up on previous posts y'all have posted just because that's a lot to read after a couple weeks of being gone. But I will try to get back in the swing of things.

Also, Boyfriend and I are planning on hosting Thanksgiving this year (this will be the first one I've ever even thought of hosting because I'm not a cook). If everyone on the list comes, we're sitting close to 20 people in total. Yikes!

But eventually there will be pictures and details, I promise. Lots of ground to make up around these parts.


  1. Glad to here from you! Good luck getting settled in!

    1. We have soooo much stuff! lol I really hate moving and trying to figure out where everything needs to go. lol

  2. Happy to see you back. Good luck with the move and with Thanksgiving. I am sure it will be awesome


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