
Thursday, March 13, 2014

The move is finally over

It is now official. We are out of the old place and into the new place. I did the final walk-through at the prior rental this morning. Trust me when I say that the house was cleaner when we left than when we moved in. It took all of five minutes; I didn't even have to argue about the crap on the walls that was there when we moved in (and tried to scrub off to no avail). The only thing that will come out of our deposit will be the carpet cleaning, only because we were there longer than 90 days.

We are now able to completely put the last four months behind us. We no longer have to deal with the asshat neighbor (which I need to finish that story). We don't have to deal with Boyfriend's Grandma's bad attitude. And hopefully she's done making up lists of stuff we "stole" from her (when in reality it's stuff she left behind and forgot about). We can focus on us, setting some money aside, and house hunting for something that we will both love and that will work for us and mostly, be nice and quiet.

I've spent the week unpacking and getting the house set up. I still have to figure out stuff on the walls, and I'd like to find some valances for at least the living room windows.

I've discovered I have the power here. The power of unpacking what I packed and I am the only one who knows where everything is. Boyfriend constantly asks me where things are.

Boyfriend's commute has gone from about an hour each way to about two minutes each way. My commute twice a week for my weekend job is now about an hour each way. However, while I'm in Redding, I will run errands, go grocery shopping, and that fun stuff. No special trips to town because I forgot something . . . considering it's an hour. The nearest grocery store is about twenty minutes away in the nearest (not-as-small) small town. In our town, we have two mini-marts. Emphasis on "mini". 

I never found Harriet. It  breaks my heart. I spent at least an hour one night, sitting by the hidey box that Boyfriend made for her, crying uncontrollably. I miss her so much. Her missing kept Boyfriend up during the night. We cried together the night before we moved; I admitted I felt like I was abandoning her. I finally had a dream about her last night. During the day (in the dream), she'd be missing and I'd be heartbroken. But when I slept, she'd be at my head, purring away, her whiskers tickling my face. Day would return and she'd be gone. But when I slept, she'd be back. I awoke feeling loved by my kitty.

As I waited for the rental agent for the walk-through, I walked around outside, again looking and calling her name. As before, silence greeted me.

The not knowing hurts the most. I miss my little keekers. 


  1. I don't want to break your heart any more, but maybe... if she has passed on, she IS purring peacefully by your head at night. Just a thought. (((HUGS)))

  2. So sorry Harriet didn't make the trip. It only takes watching how protective I am of scrappy to know I'd be a wreck if it happened to me.

    But the bright side- the bad things about the last few months are long gone! You don't even have to tell the story of the Right Rev. Thaddeus Hellbender if you don't wanna. And I think I'd send Granma her stuff back via snail mail.

    1. Haha, well, I'm writing more about the good pastor as we speak. And Grandma has gotten back everything that is hers.

  3. That is heartbreaking about your cat. I feel so bad.

    1. I feel bad, too. I bought a nice frame today and I'm going to get a picture of her printed out and put it in there. :)

  4. So happy to see you moving on to happier and more peaceful living situations but my heart is breaking for you over Harriet. I'm so sorry, sweets.

  5. *Hugs* to you, hon. Glad to see you two don't have to deal with the asshat anymore. Wish Harriet had come back to you. :-( I'm sorry.


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