
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Award time!!

I'm nearly completely packed up. Mom came up to help me this past weekend. We tore down my bed frame (and I get to sleep on my mattresses on the floor . . . now my bedside tables actually fit my bed size lol), tore down my dining room table, cleaned and cleaned and loaded up a bunch of trash in her truck. My parents will be driving up on Friday afternoon and we'll be heading out Saturday morning.

It's sad leaving the area and my job at the vet center. I hate saying good-bye to everyone. They all wish me luck in my new adventures, but it's still tough.

My poor Miss Harriet is a bit discombobulated with her house being all messed up. But she's moved several times before and I know she'll be okay.

In other news, I was honored with a blog award from The Ginger Blog Man! Sending a huge thank over to him, and I hope you do pop over to visit his blog. 

Here are the rules for the Liebster Award:

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer 11 questions the person giving the award has set for you.
3. Create 11 questions for the people you are giving this award to.
4. Choose 11 people to give the award to.
5. No tag backs.

11 Things About Me:

1. I hate coming up with random things about me because my mind always goes blank.
2. I don't like training new people because I don't like letting go of the control of the job duties; I want it done my way. lol
3. As sad as I am to move, I'm looking forward to my new adventures.
4. The Hunger Games DVD hasn't left my DVD player since I bought it a month ago. No I don't watch it every day, but um, enough.
5. I just read a book called "White Girl Problems" by Babe Walker and I have been shown (yet again) that there are people that are probably making society worse because it's "all about them" and never anyone else. Plus, if you can spend nearly $300,000 at Barney's you have too much money and time on your hands. Give me some of your money, I'll put it to good use.
6. As of Friday at 5pm, I'll be joining the ranks of the unemployed and job searching.
7. I despise being unemployed.
8. Thinking I may buy Dr. R a bag of corn nuts as a good-bye present. I gave him so much shit on Monday about his eating corn nuts just for me because he knows I hate the smell of them. I just know I'm going to get random texts from him saying, "I'm eating a corn nut just for you".
9. The new girl just tooted . . . pretty loudly. lol
10.  I would love to see Rascal Flatts in concert one day. I'm just hoping their tickets aren't $100 or more a pop because it's not worth it to see anyone for that price. Except maybe Il Divo. Because those boys are DE-LISH.
11. I still keep my Teddy Bear with me where ever I go. A couple gave him to my mom when they found out she was pregnant - they were regulars at the restaurant she worked at. She still keeps in contact with them.

My 11 Questions to Answer:

1. What is your preferred method of birth control? (for example own face, coke douche?): Well, abstinence works wonders. As do various other methods.
2. If you could have any super power what would it be and why? Even though I'm afraid of heights, I'd love to be able to fly. Because then I wouldn't have to pay $5/gal for gas.
3. What is your favorite music album of all time? Ohhh, that's a toughie. I know my favorite song of all time. Album? Oh geeze. I guess any album by Rascal Flatts, I love their stuff. Although Unstoppable wasn't my favorite album.
4. Do redheads have souls? Of course they do.
5. If you were on death-row (I'm sorry about this) what would you order as your last meal? A wee bit morbid, but BBQ pork ribs, macaroni salad, and garlic bread. And I want popcorn and M&M's for dessert.
6. PC or Mac? I've always owned a PC but eventually I would like to try to get a Mac.
7. Who is the most influential person in your life and why? I'm not sure any one person has been more influential than another. My parents, all of my grandparents, and my BFF are at the top of the list. Each for different reasons.
8. What is your favorite cartoon as an adult? I'm assuming you're referring to the ones on TV, and I don't watch cartoons anymore. But I will say that the old Looney Tunes from my childhood are the bestest ever.
9. Do you have any regrets?  Yes.
10. Would you like to own a monkey butler (assuming no animal rights were violated, leave me be PETA)? Isn't that how Planet of the Apes started? lol I'd probably be afraid the monkey would be smarter than me . . . so no. lol
11. How do you feel right now? A mix of emotions, actually.

(And I posted this having forgotten to make up 11 questions. Good grief.)

1. What is your favorite book of all time?
2. What is your least favorite thing to do when it comes to cleaning house?
3. Would you ever own a chicken (a live one)?
4. How do you handle those annoying sales calls?
5. What musical artist would you pay good money to see?
6.  Have you ever milked anything? (And breast feeding doesn't count lol)
7. If you were President, what is the first thing you would do?
8. In reality, would you ever be crazy enough to run for President?
9. Knowing what you know now, would you go back and change anything in your past?
10. Who do you think is the best super hero?
11. Have you ever broken a bone?

And the award goes to:


  1. I'm honored to be on the short list!!! Best of luck on your move and job search. Hey, sure hope the new girl said "excuse me" after she tooted. How rude!!!

    1. LMAO I seriously just on my way to your blog to lave a comment telling you about the award when my cell phone chirped telling me I had a new comment. That is what I call perfect timing. You're very welcome for the award! And the new girl did say "sorry", so yeah, it's all good. LOL

  2. So excited for your big move, good on you for daring to make the huge life change again! I've been meaning to email you, just want to say a huge thanks for your encouraging emails when I started my job search, you were a massive sorry I forgot to mention your help in my post about getting a new job! Xxx

    1. Thanks! And you're very welcome! I hope your new job works out better for you. :o)

  3. I liked The Hunger Games ten years ago when it was called Battle Royale.

    1. Yeah, I don't know about Battle Royale. Should I?

  4. 1. What is your favorite book of all time? Suzanna's Diary For Nicholas.

    2. What is your least favorite thing to do when it comes to cleaning house? Um, hello... four boys... the floor around the toilet.

    3. Would you ever own a chicken (a live one)? Nope. We have a woodpecker though. But he's really stupid and pecks the hell out of the old TV antena on the house.

    4. How do you handle those annoying sales calls? I have caller ID. I have no idea what you are talking about.

    5. What musical artist would you pay good money to see? Billy Joel. Again and again.

    6. Have you ever milked anything? (And breast feeding doesn't count lol) Damn. Thught I had this one. Grampy used to own the biggest Dairy farm on the South Shore. So cows.

    7. If you were President, what is the first thing you would do? Congressional reform.

    8. In reality, would you ever be crazy enough to run for President? No way in hell. I like what little sleep I do get.

    9. Knowing what you know now, would you go back and change anything in your past? No. Not even the crazy ex husband.

    10. Who do you think is the best super hero? Batman. He's an actual person, and has cool gadgets and a ton of cash. I even have a T-shirt that professes my love for him.

    11. Have you ever broken a bone? Ankle. And if Tony doesn't finish making the bed soon, his neck. :)

  5. Sweetie I know what a move and job search is like so I am here for you. Love all your answers and thanks a mill for playing along. Yay!


    1. I've never moved out of my country, which I think would be really tough. But moving is still moving and it still sucks. Lol

  6. Awww, thank you so much! I can't wait to tackle these questions!!!

    When you said the newbie tooted, I totally lost it!!! LOL How embarrassing! Dang! lol

    The 'White Girl Problems' book sounds very enlightening. $300,000 at Barney's!? What an utter waste. To think of the truly wonderful things one could do with that money! The key is, they have to think of someone other than themselves. It's amazingly sad how many people can't seem to do that.

    SO with you on the monkey butler!!! Um, yeah, I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about Planet of the Apes. Plus, I just don't think that's right, on principle. I mean, dude, I can answer my own dang door, you know? Geez.

    Awww, I have a special teddy bear from my childhood, too!!! He's still my go-to for a hug on a blah-meh day. :)

  7. You're very welcome! It took all I had not to laugh when it happened. Lol and I'm glad I'm not the only girl who keeps a special teddy bear. Lol

  8. Congrats on the blog award and yay for almost being done with the move and all (I bet you already are) But whatevs. I'm slow and behind on reading! :)

    1. Nope, you're not too far behind. I move in two days. :o)

  9. Congrats on your award!
    I've been fairly busy the last few days and am getting caught up on my reading. Thanks for passing this on! I'll get to it as soon as possible - hopefully the cobwebs clear out of my brain by tomorrow so I can think!


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