
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What is ONE thing or area in your home or life you hope to report is completely organized when 2013 draws to a close?  Do you  have a plan to make it happen? 

Hmmm. I guess maybe have a full-time job that provides benefits and be out on my own. My plan is to keep looking and applying. That's all I can do.

2. What's the worst uniform you've ever had to wear for a job?

I have been very fortunate in my jobs. The only job I ever had to wear a uniform for was when I worked for Petco in college. It was their blue shirt and black or khaki pants. The uniform has changed and it's a bit ugly to be honest. Vet clinics we just wear scrubs, and they can any scrub top, so you don't have to wear ugly tops unless you just like ugly tops.

3. What was your last kitchen 'mishap'?  This question comes to you courtesy of Betty who blogs over at A Glimpse Into Midlife...everyone go say hi to Betty!

I accidentally ran the toaster oven and Granny's microwave at the same time, forgetting that I can't do that. I popped a breaker. Fortunately, I didn't lose power to half the house, just that section of the kitchen. But I had to go outside, in the dark, fiddle with the door to the breaker box for what felt like an hour to get it open to fix the problem.

4. How do you protect yourself from other people's negativity?

It depends on where the negativity is coming from or from how many people. If it's just one person, I'll be upset, but I will also know that I can't please everyone and if they can't see the good I try to do, that's their problem. If it comes from several people, that's even harder, but I keep telling myself I'm not the incompetent/horrible person/whatever they think I am.

5. Who in your family do you most resemble (physically)? If you have children, who do people say they favor? Do you agree? 

Hmmm. Good question. If you ask my dad, I look like my mom. If you ask my mom, she might say my dad. I know for darned tootin' sure I've got my dad's thumbs and my mom's nose.

6. January 8th is National Bubble Bath Day...will you be celebrating?

There's a National Bubble Bath Day?!

7.  Some of the 'world's best winter festivals' are - Mardi Gras (New Orleans), Quebec Winter Festival (Canada), Sundance Film Festival (Park City, Utah),  Rio Carnivale (Brazil), Sapporo Snow Festival (Japan), Venice Carnivale (Italy) and the Harbin Ice Festival (Northern China).  Of those listed (and if cost were not a factor) which would you most like to attend and why?

Mardi Gras would leave me traumatized. I'll take anything else.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Please check out my new series on 100 Things I Love About the USA. At the end of 2012 I finished up a series called 100 Things That Make Me Happy, inspired by a blogging friend. This year, I though I'd share the lovable things about my country. I get disheartened by politicians and the hot air they constantly spew forth, I realize the USA is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, and yes, we are in trouble in lots of areas. But while all these things worry me or annoy me, I love the country I was born into, and I want to share these things with you.


  1. I have been to New Orleans, and it was bizarre enough WITHOUT it being Mardis Gras! Yikes! And I love your new series... talk about a positive attitude to combat the negativity! Love it!!

    1. I hear the New Orleans is crazy as it is on a normal day. lol

  2. I like your 100 things I love about the USA. A great concept.

  3. I think wearing scrubs has to be the most comfortable work clothes. Years ago I bought a pair to sleep in (it seemed to be a trend at the time).
    I think your 100 Things I love About the USA is a great idea :)

    1. Thanks. I had a roommate that slept in scrubs. She said they were the most comfortable thing.

  4. I like your #4 and LOL at #6 :) I agree with Mardi Gras, sounds traumatizing but i'm interested to check it out anyway, though i live very far away from New Orleans i don't see that happening. :)

    1. Part of me is curious, but I just know I'd wind up in a corner with my hands over my ears, rocking back and forth. lol

  5. Scrubs look so comfortable! Thanks for stopping by my blog.Your 100 thinks you like about USA sounds interesting.

  6. since you and several others asked: here's my explanation of my "waffle soled" waitress shoes:

  7. Aahhhhhh!! I thought you had shut down your blog...only to discover that you had only moved to a new web address! Of course, this was AFTER I sent you a fb message...please excuse my lack of higher brain function, it's been a long day! :-)

    My worst uniform was the kitchen shirt I wore at my last job. It technically was what is known as a "chef's shirt"; they were hot in the summer and once stained impossible to clean. And you had to wear a shirt beneath it, as they were semi-see-through. The only benefit I ever got from wearing those shirts is that Bazinga's nails can't penetrate the fabric!

    I try to distance myself from negative people, as a general rule. All depends on who it is, and the situation at hand. And unfortunately it has resulted in me breaking off communication with certain individuals.

    A National Bubble Bath Day? And I missed it?!?

    1. Sorry, I probably should have put out a warning post first. Well, especially for those not on Blogger. lol Didn't mean to alarm you!

  8. I hope your mom's nose is cuter than my grandma's nose. ;P I love the idea of 100 things that make you happy! I'll keep an eye out on your USA version this year. And why is it whenever you have to do anything in the dark, it always seems to take waaaay longer than during the daytime? Just a little quirk I've noticed. :D

  9. My blog wouldn't have caught your change either, had it not been for TCATCC. When you changed the address, it made a whole new blog and you have to re-follow the new web address. At least I did.

  10. Love the idea of 100 Things I Love About My Country. Lot of problems here for sure, but I still love my country too!!


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